Outstandings Works

Leed Buildings

Torre Consultatio (BBVA)
BBVA Bank Consultatio Tower

The demolition, soil movement, reinforced concrete, construction of enclosures, cisterns and tanks were carried out. Masonry and carpentry.

Banco Galicia Green Tower
Galicia Green Tower Bank

All the work was carried out. Construction of reinforced concrete structure, masonry, insulation, carpentry, finishing, sanitary installations and fire system.

Torre Banco Macro
Macro Bank Tower

The demolition, soil movement, and groundwater depression system were carried out. Afterwards, the new reinforced concrete structures, cisterns, enclosures and tanks were built.

Coca Cola New Building
Coca Cola New Building

The excavation, intramurals, concrete work and masonry were carried out. The building achieved the LEED platinum certification.